You are currently viewing POWER = STRENGTH times SPEED


I love making explosive athletes. The ability to generate massive amounts of force in an absurdly short amount of time is always a spectacle to watch. Combine that with fluid movement and you’ve got yourself an amazing athlete.

One of the things that frustrate me in this industry is the fact that some coaches charge money for being trash coaches. They say they are doing “speed work” yes do not give adequate rest and do not measure anything.

Remember that Power is Strength times Speed. That means you’re displaying force really, really fast. So you have to work both parts of the equation.

Think of it like this. 4=2×2. In this equation, 4 is out power, 2 is our current strength and current speed. If we double our strength, 8=4×2. If we double our speed, 8=2×4. But if we multiply our strength and speed by a factor of 1.5, 9=3×3. You get a high return when you work on both sides. Make sense? IF not, leave a comment and let me know. Have a good day!